Have you filed for your Property Tax Exemptions?
If you purchased a house, changed the deed, or refinanced on your mortgage this year, you should make sure the correct exemptions are filed on your home! The Deadline to file exemptions is December 31st. Below is a summary of the rules for Marion and the surrounding counties along with contact information for each county below. Please find your county below and file your homestead and mortgage exemptions. **BE SURE TO GET A RECEIPT OR PROOF IN WRITING THAT ALL EXEMPTIONS HAVE BEEN FILED**
Homestead Deduction – *YOU MUST BE AN OWNER OCCUPANT TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR THIS EXEMPTION* If you own a home or are buying on a recorded contract, and use it as your primary place of residence, your home and up to one acre of land could qualify for a homeowner’s deduction. A taxpayer cannot receive the Homestead Deduction in multiple states as the homestead is considered the “principle place of residence”. The deduction is either 60% of your assessed valuation or a maximum of $45,000.
Mortgage Deduction – If you are buying property on a recorded mortgage or a recorded contract, and you are a resident of the State of Indiana, you could qualify for a mortgage deduction. The value of the deduction may not exceed the amount of the indebtedness. The deduction is either one half of your assessed valuation or $3,000, whichever is less. A person owning more than one property may not receive mortgage deductions totaling more than $3,000.
Marion County
200 E. Washington Street, Suite 801, Indianapolis IN 46204
Phone 317-327-4646 . Fax 317-327-8078
Homestead: https://www.indy.gov/activity/apply-for-a-homestead-deduction
Mortgage: https://www.indy.gov/activity/apply-for-a-mortgage-deduction
Check Status: https://www.indy.gov/activity/search-current-deductions-on-your-property
Johnson County
86 W. Court Street, Franklin IN 46131
Phone 317-346-4310 . Fax 317-736-7021
http://co.johnson.in.us – Click the GIS MAPS picture, find your parcel report, and click appropriate links to file exemptions
Hancock County
111 South American Legion Place, Suite 217, Greenfield IN 46140
Phone 317-477-1105 . Fax 317-477-1712
Email: rlowder@hancockcoingov.org
Hendricks County
355 S Washington Street #202, Danville IN 46122
Phone 317-745-9300
Boone County
201 Courthouse Square, Lebanon IN 46052
Phone 765-482-2940 . Fax 765-483-4434
Email: hmyers@co.boone.in.us